Monday, November 12, 2018

Motivational Monday

Use code EG2019 for a 10% discount at checkout

It's now November, and Fall marathon season has passed us by.  It's getting colder and sub freezing temperatures are upon us, at least in northeast Ohio.  With this chilly temps it can be hard to keep running.  The temptation of eating a tub of ice cream in front of the fire while rocking some cozy pj's under a blanket with dog at your feet sounds way more comfortable than lacing up some running shoes and layering up to go log some slower miles as the air and wind start to hurt your face.

Motivation can be hard to find and severely lacking.  It can come in some of the most random ways to us.  Many times, an inspirational video or quote can really light a fire under us to get out there.  Other times, something might just remind us that we need to go and do it.  Either way, this is your fall Motivational Monday!

Here are some of my favorite videos, quotes and stories:

Just Do It - Original

Jimmy V's Speech - I'm not crying, you're crying

Al Pacino Inches Speech - This speech is on my running list. Every time it comes on, I drop the hammer and go

Dave Mackey's Story - You don't even need your legs to run. More here.

The bear cub that won't quit - worth the reminder that size doesn't matter

Rocky's Run - How I feel running big city marathons

That's How Winning is Done - Another speech I have saved on my running list

Team Hoyt - This is my favorite running duo. Their Espy's speech is also amazing!

Nike's Just Do It - 2018 - Politics aside, WHOA!

And always remember this...

Use code EG2019 for a 10% discount at checkout of the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon 
(good for all races)

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