A few months ago, I ran the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon in May. It was a great race for me time wise and because I was able to help a friend run her first marathon. In the months leading up to the race, I wrote a lot of blog posts as well as retweeted and shared a lot of Cleveland Marathon articles, blog posts, tweets and Facebook posts. That was my job as an official ambassador for the race. It was fun for me to share my passion for this race, especially since this is the race that got me hooked on long distance running. I wanted to take this post to share with you what came from all of that effort as an ambassador for the marathon.
The Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon made a $500 donation to the charity of my choice: City Dogs Cleveland!
That’s right, all of that sharing and spreading using my discount code for 2018 (EGCLE10) literally paid off. Over 500 runners signed up with my discount code! I am completely in shock that somehow my blog, tweets, Facebook posts and whatever else helped 500 people sign up for an event in the 2018 Rite Cleveland Marathon series! I’m actually humbled by that number, but also love that all of the time I put in earned City Dogs Cleveland $500. In case you never heard of City Dogs Cleveland, here is there website, here is there Facebook page and here is there Twitter profile. Organizations like City Dogs are vital to helping keep animals off of our streets and helping to control the pet population. Most dogs they get aren’t there through any fault of their own, they are just regular dogs who are down on their luck, most of which are absolutely adorable and great dogs. They do a lot to help rescue dogs, particularly pit bulls, in and around the Cleveland area and I can not say enough good things about what they do, especially with how little they have!
If you were wondering why I chose City Dogs Cleveland as my charity for the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon to donated to, the answer is simple. They helped rescue my dog Fitz, who was extremely evacuated when they found him. He was very malnourished but rebounded well with some care. The APL then adopted Fitz from City Dogs. Fitz was a rescue dog in a shelter for over 4 months. I then adopted Fitz from APL on January 11th, 2015. Ever since then, Fitz has been an uplifting friend of mine and probably helped me meet my now wife. After being on the streets for who knows how long, emaciated to near the point of death, and in shelters for over 4 months, you’d think he’d be a little damaged from all of this. Well one of the amazing things about dogs like Fitz is that they rebound extremely well and other than being a little excitable to meet people, he is a great dog. He loves snuggles, isn’t food aggressive and even has his own overstuffed chair he sleeps in at night (don’t worry, our German Shephard dog Belle and Dakota are OK with him sleeping in the chair and love him the same as Julie Anne and I do). Fitz is proof that pit bulls have a bad rap and I’m glad City Dogs Cleveland is working so hard to save these loveable dogs.
While I’m doling out the kind words, I’d like to say thanks to Greg Murray of Greg Murray Photography for showing me how much City Dogs Cleveland does for pit bulls and the city of Cleveland. Greg does a lot of work with dogs and to support dogs. He’s even one of the main forces behind lifting pit bull bans around Cleveland, and possibly other places. Greg did great work with my wife and I in capturing our dogs with some of his amazing camera skills. I highly recommend him if your looking to capture some great pictures of your pets. If you love adorable pit bulls, you can buy his 2019 pit bull calendar here, half of all profits go to organizations that help rescue pit bulls.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who signed up for the 2018 Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon using my discount code. I’m amazed at how many people I was able to get to sign up, while saving them a few dollars and that it afforded me to make a positive difference right in Cleveland for many of our four legged running partners (or recovery couch potatoes). I’m looking forward to being a 2019 ambassador for the Rite Aid Cleveland marathon as well and will be sharing a discount code, once I get the new one.
Now time for some pics of more dogs City Dogs is trying to help... 😁
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