Fall is a great time to run. After putting in miles over the hot summer, it’s finally cooler and much easy to go on long runs without becoming overly dehydrated. The trees are acting like natures own fireworks display to make it all the more enjoyable. Pumpkin decorations are everywhere, football stadiums are packed on Friday nights, people at being stabbed in the arm on every street corner...
That’s right, everywhere you go people are being stabbed. They are being injected with a serum that will make them super humans and provide them the ability to fight off a deadly disease that strikes at different times around the globe. This disease killed about
80,000 US citizens in 2017-18 fall to winter.
What are these people being injected with?
The flu shot
There are many reasons why everyone should get the flu shot, yes even young and healthy runners who think “they can handle it”. Below are some of the reasons why you should get your flu shot every year, as well as a few, very rare, reasons why you should not.
I’ll save you the trouble of reading all of them right now and tell you this: get your damn flu shot!
Here’s the list:
1. Your family - Believe it or not, a healthy person can carry the flu to others without signs they are sick. These people act as a vector (explanation with citations
here). So if you are around elderly, kids, people with weakened immune systems, or go out in public ever, get your flu shot!
2. You - Sure you are probably healthy and fit, great! That does not mean you won't get the flu. of the roughly 80,000 people who died from the flu (or it's complications) in the 2017-2018 flu season, approximately 80% were unvaccinated. The flu shot does not mean you won't get the flu but it will help your immune system fight it off better IF you do get it. Odds are you won't even get it, if you get the shot. Citations
3. It’s probably free - Most insurances will cover the shot free either at a local pharmacy or at your primary medical provider's office. Most, if not all, pharmacies, do not need an appointment. Most of them can also set up a clinic at your place of employment to ensure less people get sick, less people will call off and herd immunity is better achieved.
4. That person standing over there (points) - As previously mentioned getting the flu shot isn't entirely about you. You need to help create
herd immunity for others, who can not get it or are extemely prone to getting it. This is why I am expressing this point twice, it matters that much. Fun link and graphic
5. If you do catch the flu, it’ll likely be less dramatic - I often tell patients this, "Even if the flu shot contains a different strain and you catch the flu, it's still better to get it. It's like training for a football game and then realizing you showed up to a rugby match. It's still better to be in shape and ready, you'll probably be OK."
6. YOU CAN NOT GET THE FLU FROM THE FLU SHOT - Repeat after me people, "You can not get the flu from the flu shot." It's essentially a "dead" or only part of the virus. Longer explanation
7. It doesn’t cause autism - Jenny McCarthy is an idiot. Her views are flat out wrong and
the Lancet article she often cites has been discredited and the man who wrote it is not allowed to even practice medicine because of falsehoods he propagated and made up in the article.
8. Zombie apocalypse (or other world shattering event) - Ok, so you're still on the fringe and think big brother is putting microchips in flu shots to track you (I have patients who actually believe this). Well, Mr. Tinfoil hat, what if the zombie apocalypse comes? There's a high likelihood that zombies could carry the flu among other biological diseases. Wouldn't you rather be protected with your own biologic weapon to keep the herds of the walking dead from getting you sick from the blood splatter? I would!
9. Your dog - So you get the flu and go to the hospital, you're incapacitated. You recover in 3-5 days and are discharged. Meanwhile, your poor pooch sits at home and misses you. I know this is a pull on the heart strings but my heart melted when a patient of mine had this happen and wasn't able to get someone to take care of their dog because no one knew about her.
10. Your work - Not everyone likes going to work. No one likes being sick. Sure Michael Jordan fought off the flu to help win a championship, dropping 38 points on his way to greatness. He also put all of the other players at risk in the process, including his teammates. A huge group of fans (probably 20,000 plus) were also exposed. You are not Michael Jordan, and if you are, get your flu shot to help protect others. That's a real legend.
Reasons not to get the flu shot:
1. You’re allergic to eggs - The CDC still recommends you get the shot unless you've had a known allergic reaction to it or your egg allergy is worse than a rash (i.e. anaphylaxis).
2. You hate everyone and believe in only the purest of Darwinism - Well... That's your prerogative.
3. Guillian Barre Syndrome -
4. You’re sick right now - Once you've been recovered for a while, you can then get it. Just don't force more on your immune system now as the vaccine won't work right.
5. You have an immune disorder - This is a case by case situation depending on the issues you have. Talk to a healthcare provider or pharmacist and encourage everyone you know to get their flu shot to help protect you. Be your own advocate.
6. You are on a medication - Certain medications may limit the effectiveness or if you can even get the flu shot. This is a valid reason, so check with your pharmacist or medical provider. In most cases, simply waiting until after a course of medication is over with will be sufficient and you can get protected by the flu shot.
7.Jenny McCarthy (or some hack like David Avocado Wolfe) said so - Look, I don’t go to a psychologist to get my car fixed, so why would you go to a has been Playboy model for medical advice. She’s wrong, she’s a moron and the evidence she tries to cite has been discredited a million times over. Her own organization funded a study that even proved vaccines do not cause autism. I was actually banned from their Facebook page after proving them wrong and how their goal is literally hurting people. I wish I could remember the name, but I'm blocked and can't even search for them. Guess they can't handle a little prick...
Now some fun flu shot charts, infographics and photos!