Saturday, January 9, 2016

First Weekly Update

Week 1:

Ok, so week one is down and here's what it looked like:
1/3/201630 degreesDog walk 0.8 miles, Dog walk 1.9 milesLeisurelyBrr!
1/3/201666 degrees (inside)Partner WOD (my half, total time): 10 Power Cleans 145, 10 Push Press 145, 15 Pullups, 15 HR Pushups, 30 Box Jumps 30 ", 15 HS Pushups, 30 Wall balls 20lbs, 60 KB Swings 53lbs, 100 Partner Medball Situps, 9 flights of stairs32:06:00Felt good. Stairs were easy. Situps grew tiresome as did the KB Swings. Split the Push Presses into 2 sets, same with the Box Jumps (blame partner for latter LOL)
1/3/201632 degrees6.05 mile run50:00:00Light and easy run, time is not exact but an estimate from when I remember checking the clocks. Felt great. Sweaty with UA 2.0 base layer and a hoodie with only shorts on
1/4/201621 degreesDog walk 0.7 miles, 3.09 miles (worked 8.5 hours)LeisurelyCold but fun
1/4/201667 degrees (inside)Press 5 x 75, 5 x 85, 9 x 95, Front Squat 5 x 165, 5x 185, 3 x 205; 10 min AMRAP of 100ft overhead walking lunges w/45lb plate and 30 situps: 3 rounds + 100ft
Good Mornings: 15 @ 45, 10 @ 75, 8 @ 95, 8 @ 115, 7 @ 125, 5 @ 135, 5 @ 145, 4 @ 155, 2 @ 165
35:00:00Great workout, did better than expected, lunges where pretty easy (little awkward at first)
1/5/201620 degreesDog walk 0.6 miles (worked 13 hours)LeisurelyCold, quick walk
1/5/201619 degrees8 x 200M sprints25:00:00Cold, which made bring a little more cumbersome. Frozenbasebal fields are the best to run on but none the less it worked (actual runs were 210M). Dog loved it!
1/6/201665 degrees (inside)3 x High Hang Squat Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Squat Clean @ 135, 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk @ 135, 3 x High Hang Squat Clean, Hang Squat Clean, Squat Clean @ 135, 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk @ 155.
Death by Thrusters 8 rounds + 7 reps. Extra 6 thrusters.
100 24" step ups. 3 KB Swings @ 70, 5 KB Swings @ 53, 10 KB Swings @ 35, 15 KB Swings @ 26, 12 KB Swings @ 17
The time was total time spent working out, there was some rest here in between
1/6/201628 degreesDog walk 3.89 milesLeisurelyNice and cool, no wind
1/7/201636 degrees (slight wind)Dog walk 1.22 milesLeisurelyWind was stinging
1/7/201643 degrees (sun out but going down)800M @ 2:47.28, 800M @ 3:01.7, 400M @ 1:18.62, 400M @ 1:21.51AFAPIt was a bit breezy out. Labored to keep pace up from 100-250M in each lap.
GOAL: <1:10 400M
GOAL: <2:30 800M
1/7/201666 degrees (inside)2 rounds: 2 Wall Walks, 4 Shoot throughs, 6 Superman to Hollow Hold, 8 Pistols.
15 Min AMRAP: 5 HSPU, 10 Pistols, 15 Pullups. 5 + 3
45 Burpees
26:00:00This was awful on the quads for me as I am not strong at pistols. But I was happy with my results.
Also, I would like to point out I never include my warm-ups which very but usually have pushups, pullups and some form of squats in them.
GOAL: 300 burpees this month!
1/8/201630 degreesDog walk 1.15 milesLeisurely
1/8/201645 degrees5k run Time Trial23:29.1Wet out, hard to really feel confident given this was a bumpy and some spots slick run, but a 7:35 pace was acceptable.
GOAL: Get to a 21 minute 5K, SUB GOAL: PR a 5k before July
1/9/201645 degreesDog walk 0.54 milesLeisurely
1/9/201647 degrees800M warm up run, 15 burpees, 210M sprint, 15 situps, 210M Sprint, 15 burpees, 210M sprint, 15 burpees, 15 situps, 210M sprint, 800M cool down rununtimedFelt good! The sprints were not record setting as they were on wet grass. Burpees and runs back to back really got a small sweat going with the high humidity.

This was a good start, really pushed, myself on the 5k and can definitely feel the room to increase with some speed work.  Four goals were set this month: <1:10 400M, <2:30 800M, 21 minute 5k, and PR a 5K by July.

Overall, I feel good but my hamstrings are a little tired and my plantar fasciitis flared a bit (easily fixed with an ACE night splint).  Tomorrow will be my first two a day running, both pre and post work.  Hoping to break 10 miles total but will adjust to feel.

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