Thursday, March 21, 2019

Winner of Free Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon Race Entry!!!!!

Register for any Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon race with code EG2019 and save 10% at checkout

After a little delay on my part (darn work), it's time to announce the winner of the FREE race entry to the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon!  This entry is good for any race (5k to marathon) and even the challenge series!

The winner is...

Jeffrey Lammers!!!

Jeffrey (aka FireRunner2379) is a fellow runner and pizza runner (then again who doesn't love pizza) as well as a public employee.  Jeffrey has run in the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon series in the past and has the medal display in his Twitter picture.  He commented on and shared all of my posts after the contest started and really helped me share my love of the running.  Congrats Jeffrey!

I'll be posting more running updates soon, but for now let's congratulate Jeffrey and cheer him on May 19th.  Will he sign up for the FULL marathon?

Thanks to everyone who shared my posts and commented.  I truly appreciate all of it.

Don't forget to sign up for the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon yourself and save 10% at checkout using my discount code of EG2019, it's good on any race!

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